Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Jury

The Jury discusses the issue of bullying and what possible consequences bullying can have.

There are other issues that emerge from The Jury. They are 1. bias, 2. the legal maxim "innocent until proven guilty," and 3. intimidation of jurors. Explain each issue.

The legal system strives to conduct fair trials so that the innocence of the accused is guaranteed until proven otherwise. What "hard" evidence is presented in The Jury that would lead you to conclude that the accused has, indeed, committed the crime?

Identify the elements regarding the crime that are effectively utilized by the defense to create doubt in the prosecution theory.

Form groups of six and discuss the case from the perspectives of the prosecution and the defense and reach a unanimous decision. Reflect on how you personally reached this decision and decide if it was made voluntarily and based on the true facts of the case or any bias or pressure you felt to get the job done.